embryogrowth 9.5 (2024-08-23)
- New CRAN version - 9.5 (2024-08-23)
embryogrowth 9.4.2
- New CRAN version - 9.1 (2023-04-03)
- Solve a problem in tsd() when the vcov matrix is not positive - 9.1.1 (2023-11-05)
- Solve problems in movement() function - 9.1.2 (2023-11-07)
- Experimental: Add a new possibility to estimate likelihood is tsd() for sex ratio when n is not known - 9.1.3 (2023-11-08)
- New out possibility for info.nests() to be able to use Bayesian Model Averaging - 9.1.4 (2023-11-10)
- Experimental: Add a new possibility to estimate likelihood is tsd() for sex ratio when n is not known - 9.1.5 (2023-11-08)
- RMU.2010 and RMU.2023 are included in databaseTSD - 9.1.6 (2023-12-01)
- New equation flexit* - 9.2 (2023-12-29)
- New references- 9.2 (2024-02-05)
- Minor change for initial parameters in tsd - 9.2.1 (2024-03-20)
- Solve a problem in STRN when sex ratio was missing for some timeseries - 9.2.2 (2024-03-30)
- STRN can use a flexit* model - 9.2.2 (2024-03-30)
- 2 new columns in databaseTSD: incubation.temperature.set and incubation.temperature.corrected - 9.2.3 (2024-04-07)
- Dermochelys coriacea information in databaseTSD were corrected - 9.2.4 (2024-04-30)
- New option to use ggplot2 to produce tsd graph - 9.3.0 (2024-05-16)
- New examples for tsd graph - 9.3.1 (2024-05-18)
- Dermochelys coriacea information in databaseTSD were corrected - 9.3.3 (2024-05-22)
- Dermochelys coriacea information in databaseTSD and listTSP were corrected - 9.4 (2024-05-26)
- logit model is implemented in tsd - 9.4.1 (2024-06-24)
embryogrowth 9.0.2
- New CRAN version - 9.0 (2023-04-03)
- New stages for Lepidochelys olivacea - 9.0.1 (2023-09-12)
- Correction of priors for TSD when durations are used - 9.0.2 (2023-10-02)
- New data for Trachemys in databaseTSD - 9.1 (2023-10-24)
embryogrowth 8.7.3
- New CRAN version - 8.7 (2022-09-06)
- Solve a rare problem in FormatNests() - 8.7.1 (2023-02-17)
- New parameter xlimR in plotR() - 8.7.2 (2023-02-22)
- Change the limits for L-BFGS-B parameters in - 8.7.3 (2023-03-16)
- SexualisationTRN can use the polynom format 9.0 (2023-04-07)
embryogrowth 8.6-7
- New CRAN version - 8.6 (2022-07-14)
- Fix align for html5 - 8.6-7 (2022-08-22)
embryogrowth 8.5-17
- New CRAN version - 8.5 (2022-05-28)
- The hatching success model can be defined only with one parameter, MaxHS or MeanHS - 8.5-1 (2022-05-29)
- Fixed.parameters are used in plot of HatchingSuccess - 8.5-11 (2022-06-06)
- Tentatively solve a problem in movingincubation in Windows when parallel is TRUE - 8.5-16 (2022-07-13)
embryogrowth 8.4-10
- New CRAN version - 8.4 (2022-04-04)
- Better managment of class - 8.4-1 (2022-04-21)
- Side effect of new class managment for STRN_MHmcmc() is corrected - 8.4-9 (2022-05-05)
embryogrowth 8.3-26
- New CRAN version - 8.3 (2022-01-31)
- Minor change for figure in documentation - 8.3-1 (2022-02-17)
- New url to update the package before to be uploaded to CRAN - 8.3-5 (2022-02-24)
- Check for update at startup - 8.3-6 (2022-03-28)
- New parameter SD for final size when proportion of development is used - 8.3-7 (2022-03-28)
- New parameters Threshold_High and Threshold_Low - 8.3-17 (2022-04-01)
- Function TRN_MHmcmc_p() has been simplified - 8.3-20 (2022-04-02)
embryogrowth 8.2-15
- New CRAN version - 8.2 (2021-06-29)
- Add option "pseudohessianfrommcmc" for movingincubation - 8.2-1 (2021-10-06)
- plotR() return a list with two elements, scaleY and xy - 8.2-4 (2021-11-19)
- plot.tsd() return a data.frame with model - 8.2-6 (2022-01-11)
embryogrowth 8.1-7
- New CRAN version - 8.1 (2021-06-29)
- tsd() accepts replicate.CI being null - 8.1-1 (2021-07-13)
- MovingIncubation() accepts metabolic.heating being different from 0 - 8.1-5 (2021-08-19)
embryogrowth 8.0-42
- fixed.parameters works again in tsd - 8.0-0 (2020-10-20)
- Fix a bug for AICc and BIC estimation in tsd function - 8.0-1 (2020-10-31)
- Calculate AICc and BIC in - 8.0-2 (2020-11-23)
- is compatible with IP.mean - 8.0-2 (2020-11-23)
- Polishing STRN - 8.0-3 (2020-12-10)
- Correction for deviance test in tsd() - 8.0-4
- nobs.HatchingSuccess() is corrected - 8.0-5
- BIG CHANGE: test and stopattest parameters are renamed hatchling.metric and - 8.0-6
- BIG EXPERIMENTAL CHANGE: New method to estimate growth of embryos to limit the impact of Runge-Kutta approximation - 8.0-7-8.0-9
- New ways to estimate CTE in info.nests() to be closer from the biological interpretation - 8.0-10
- P_TRT works when S is positive in flexit model - 8.0-11 (2021-02-01)
- Change of description in STRN_MHmcmc() - 8.0-12 (2021-02-03)
- durations can be used with predict.tsd - 8.0-13 (2021-02-04)
- SE FALSE does not roduce error in tsd - 8.0-14 (2021-03-15)
- Minor change in info.nests() - 8.0-15 (2021-04-07)
- Results in info.nests() are ordered - 8.0-16 (2021-04-08)
- New parameter max.time in MovingIncubation() - 8.0-17 (2021-04-13)
- Change in info.nests to ensure that size is always increasing - 8.0-18 (2021-04-14)
- Change in TRN_MHmcmc_p() to use only runif distribution - 8.0-19 (2021-04-15)
- Minor change in description of DatabaseTSD(), info.nests() and GRTRN_MHmcmc() - 8.0-20 (2021-04-16)
- Updated version of examples in searchR() - 8.0-21 (2021-04-19)
- Minor change in info.nests() when fill is the same as existing temperatures - 8.0-21 (2021-04-19)
- Cchange in info.nests() to estimate the TSP - 8.0-22 (2021-04-19)
- Minor change in STRN() - 8.0-23 (2021-04-20)
- Simplification and enhancement of STRN() - 8.0-24 (2021-04-27)
- Prevent a case in which LengthTSP can be negative in STRN() - 8.0-25 (2021-04-29)
- Add embryogrowth logo - 8.0-26 (2021-05-01)
- Minor changes in info.nests() - 8.0-27 (2021-05-03)
- Add hessian parameter in STRN() - 8.0-28 (2021-05-04)
- Minor changes in info.nests() - 8.0-29 (2021-05-03)
- Minor changes in info.nests() - 8.0-30 & 8.0-31 & 8.0-32 & 8.0-33 (2021-05-11)
- Minor changes in movingincubation() - 8.0-34 & 8.0-35 (2021-05-11)
- Minor changes in info.nests() - 8.0-36 (2021-05-12)
- fill parameter in STRN() - 8.0-37 (2021-05-13)
- Minor change in plotR - 8.0-38 (2021-05-14)
- Minor changes in info.nests() - 8.0-39 (2021-05-16)
- Minor changes in info.nests() - 8.0-40 (2021-05-17)
- Add option dynamic in info.nests() - 8.0-41 (2021-05-18)
- Solve too long vector in info.nests() - 8.0-42 (2021-06-03)
embryogrowth 7.7
- Correct a strange erratic problem in P_TRT() - 7.6.1
- Correct a problem when replicate.CI was not taken into account with resultmcmc in P_TRT() - 7.6.2
- Parameter CI replaced by GTRN.CI in info.nests() - 7.6.3
- Better management of replicate.CI in info.nests() - 7.6.3
- Minor changes in info.nests() and moving.incubation() - 7.6.4
- Major changes in hatching success model - 7.6.5
- Correct a bug in predict.HatchingSuccess() with MCMC - 7.6.6
- New version of TSD database - 7.6.7
- New function movement() - 7.7
- replicate.NullDeviance was not taken into account in tsd() - 7.7
- New CRAN version - 7.7 (2020-01-15)
- TSP.begin and TSP.end are used in STRN - 7.7.1 (2020-02-22)
- MassWeighted is replaced by GrowthWeighted in info.nests() - 7.7.2 (2020-02-23)
- New outputs in info.nests() with GrowthRateWeighted - 7.7.2 (2020-02-23)
- Minor changes in plot.tsd() and P_TRT() - 7.7.3 (2020-06-10)
- Add flexit in tsd in shiny - 7.7.4 (2020-06-27)
- when mcmc result is given with P_TRT() and the number of is equal to the number of iteration, no resampling is done - 7.7.5 (2020-08-12)
- Improvement of the hatchling success model - 7.8 (2020-09-17)
- Improvement of databaseTSD for Eretmochelys imbricata - 7.8.1 & 7.8.2 (2020-09-23 & 2020-09-24)
- New hessian parameter in - 7.8.3 (2020-10-07)
- tsd function can now fit TSDII or FMF pattern - 7.9 (2020-10-11)
- DatabaseTSD.version() returns the date of the most recent update of the database TSD - 7.9 (2020-10-19)
embryogrowth 7.6 (2019-08-30)
- New function to study data logger precision: uncertainty.datalogger - 7.3
- Correct a bug in predict.HatchingSuccess - 7.3
- Correct a bug in STRN - 7.3.1
- Add the temperatures object in STRN output - 7.3.2
- New functions calibrate.datalogger - 7.3.3
- Simplification of calibrate.datalogger() and uncertainty.datalogger() - 7.3.4
- uncertainty.datalogger() by default uses only one measurement - 7.4.1
- New version of TSD database - 7.4.2
- Better fit control in tsd() - 7.4.3
- New algorithm to search for confidence interval of TRT bounds in tsd() - 7.4.4
- New approximation for Hulin, Richards, and double-Richards equations in tsd() - 7.4.5
- New example in info.nests() - 7.4.6
- fixed.parameters in fitHS() - 7.4.7
- TSP.borders parameter in STRN() - 7.4.8
- Correct a bug when weights were used - 7.4.9
- STRN can fit the TSD model - 7.5, 7.5.1, 7.5.2, 7.5.3
- movingincubation() can show again a progress bar - 7.5.4
- P_TRT() can manipulate very large TRT - 7.5.5
- New example in info.nests() to use the PM method of Massey et al. 2019 - 7.5.6
- info.nests() returns PM.mean and from Massey et al. 2019 - 7.5.7
- Correct a bug in info.nests()$metric when more than one nest were used - 7.5.7
- New outputs for summary of info.nests() PM.TimeWeight.mean and - 7.5.8
- Bug correction in info.nests() - 7.5.9
- New flexit model for tsd() - 7.5.10
- New mcmc function for hatching success - 7.5.11
- Rename all Hatching Success functions for better homogeneity; new plot function - 7.5.12
- Better implementation of flexit model for tsd - 7.5.14-7.5.15
- Solve a case when predict.tsd() returns 0 or 1 whereas some observations are present - 7.5.16
- Better implementation of flexit model for tsd - 7.5.17
- Fix a bug in STRN_MHmcmc - 7.5.18
- Better implementation of flexit model for tsd - 7.5.19
- flexit model for tsd comes from HelpersMG package - 7.5.20
- traceML parameter for GRTRN_MHmcmc, HatchingSuccess.MHmcmc, tsd_MHmcmc, and STRN_MHmcmc- 7.5.21 (2019-08-20)
- Solve a problem in plot.tsd() when SE for S, K1 or K2 are very high - 7.5.22 & 7.5.23 (2019-08-22)
- TRT is no more estimated for Hulin and Double-A-logistic models of tsd() - 7.5.24
- Add deviance test for tsd() - 7.5.25
- Correct deviance estimation for tsd() - 7.5.26
- Correct TRT estimation for A-logistic model for extrem K value- 7.5.27
- New CRAN version - 7.6
embryogrowth 7.2.3
- New functions to study hatching success - 7.2
- Temperature.max is a new output of info.nests() - 7.2.1
- Change the examples of info.nests() - 7.2.2
- New Generic_ProportionDevelopment item in TSP.list - 7.2.3
embryogrowth 7.1-7.1.1
- If no SD for test, use SSE criteria to fit - 7.1
- New example in searchR to fit data using method of proportion of development - 7.1
- Small improvment in plot.NestsResult() - 7.1
- Better control of the beginning and end of the TSP within the corresponding stages - 7.1
embryogrowth 7.1.1
- Add an example to plot the temperatures - 7.1.1
embryogrowth 7.0 (2017-09-26)
- 2D reaction norm - 7.0
- Cholesky decomposition is used to estimate a pseudo-variance matrix for SE - 7.0
- AICc and BIC are estimated for the sexualisation thermal reaction norm - 7.0
- SE or hessian are used for movingincubation - 7.0
- Podocnemis expansa stages - 7.0
embryogrowth 6.5-6.5.18
- New version for CRAN - 6.5
- Correction of some examples - 6.5.1
- Cleaning DatabaseTSD - 6.5.1
- New parameter pipping_emergence is the number of days between pipping and emergence. It is used to establish the 1/3 and 2/3 of the incubation - 6.5.2
- predict.tsd() can be used with only one probs - 6.5.3
- STRN() used the new version of predict.tsd() - 6.5.3
- STRN_MHmcmc() is corrected to be used with fixed.parameters of STRN() - 6.5.3
- First tentative to include hygrometry in the model as cofactor of Rho25 parameter. The new parameters are Rho25_b and Rho25_b_L - 6.5.3
- predict.tsd() works without temperatures or durations - 6.5.4
- New prallel parameter for STRN() and STRN_MHmcmc() - 6.5.5
- fixed.parameters from STRN is used now in info.nests() - 6.5.6
- New examples for STRN() and STRN_MHmcmc() - 6.5.6
- Minor bug for fixed.parameters in info.nests() - 6.5.7
- tsd(), P_TRT() and plot.tsd() can be used when some parameters are badly fitted - 6.5.8
- plot.tsd() is more robust to unusual situations - 6.5.9
- New outMCMC data - 6.5.10
- STRN() is faster if some timeseries have no information for sex - 6.5.11
- Database of embryological stages is more complete - 6.5.12
- New exemple for stages dataset - 6.5.13
- plot() of series can use the hessian matrix - 6.5.13
- Better control of the confidence interval shown is plot() using the CI parameter - 6.5.14
- Minor change in stages dataset - 6.5.15
- Hessian matrix for STRN() is estimated - 6.5.16
- info.nests() can use Hessian matrix for STRN() - 6.5.17
- Minor change in info.nests() - 6.5.18
embryogrowth 6.4-6.4.56
- New version for CRAN - 6.4
- Correction of the y legend for plotR() - 6.4.1 & 6.4.2
- ylim parameter for plotR() works again - 6.4.2
- Bug correction : GRTRN_MHmcmc() works also with only one parameter - 6.4.3
- New parameter for SSM model: epsilon (SSM = SSM + epsilon) - 6.4.4
- Correct some examples - 6.4.5
- Nicer arrow for plot - 6.4.6
- New examples - 6.4.7
- Separate parameters for plotR and hist in plotR_hist() - 6.4.7
- New examples - 6.4.8 & 6.4.9
- Legend for hist() and plotR_hist() has been changed to Temperature density - 6.4.10
- Arrows in plot() are no more masked - 6.4.11
- Possibility to setup nonsymmetrical confidence interval using quantiles in ChangeSSM() - 6.4.12
- The non-symmetrical confidence interval can be used for randomization using info.nests() - 6.4.12
- New functions plotRdensity() and plotRdensity_hist() - 6.4.12
- New examples - 6.4.13
- If a mcmc object is used in info.nests() or plot.NestsResult(), it will be used directly - 6.4.14
- New asymmetric normal model - 6.4.15
- trace can be changed during mcmc search after a stop and previous use - 6.4.16
- New trigonometric model - 6.4.16
- Correct scaleY for plotRdensity() - 6.4.17
- Weibull model is correct and functional - 6.4.17
- BIC is calculated after searchR() - 6.4.17
- Correct a bug in info.nests() for replicate.CI=1 and resultmcmc - 6.4.18
- mcmc for normal function in SSM - 6.4.18
- new function nobs.NestResult() to be used with BIC() - 6.4.18
- New mcmc results for trigo and Weibull models - 6.4.19
- Adaptive mcmc is implemented for GTRN and STRN - 6.4.20
- Adaptive mcmc is implemented for TSD - 6.4.21
- Parallel computing implemented for windows - 6.4.22 & 6.4.23 & 6.4.24
- New version of resultNest_mcmc_4p_normal - 6.4.25
- Prevent an error in rare case in tsd - 6.4.26
- New examples in resultNest_mcmc_4p_normal - 6.4.26
- New data for Weibull model with 3 parameters - 6.4.27
- New data for SSM6p model - 6.4.28
- Bug correction when metric.end.incubation == NA - 6.4.28
- Transition parameters work for Weibull model - 6.4.29
- Can use several size for transition model in the same plot - 6.4.29
- set.par with plotR works again- 6.4.30
- cex.lab = 1, cex.axis = 1 for plotRdensity - 6.4.31
- New plotR2() will be a replacement for plotR, plotR_hist, plotRdensity and plotRdensity_hist - 6.4.32
- Cleaning the code: remove old SEforR, plotR, plotR_hist, plotRdensity and plotRdensity_hist - 6.4.33
- MovingIncubation() scheme for parallel is better and mcmc objects can be used instead of SE - 6.4.34
- Correct some problems with parallel in info.nests() in windows - 6.4.34
- polygon option for plotR() - 6.4.35
- mar and breaks parameter for plotR() - 6.4.36
- correct a bug in info.nests() for windows when parallel=FALSE - 6.4.37
- Legends are homogenized for various plots - 6.4.37
- New results in info.nests()$summary: CTEA.TSP_CTEA.2ndT,, CTEW.TSP_CTEW.2ndT, - 6.4.37
- New option parallel for MovingIncubation() and plot.NestsResult() to use or not parallel computing - 6.4.37
- New parameter SexualisationTRN.mcmc to generate variability of SexualisationTRN - 6.4.37
- If + or -Inf is produced in SSM, does not produce error - 6.4.38
- Dallwitz 3 parameters is simpler to implement - 6.4.39
- Correct a problem with mar parameter in plotR() - 6.4.40
- SE as matrix can be used with plotR() - 6.4.41
- New parameter log.hist canbe used to show log axis for histogram - 6.4.42
- Minor change for plot.tsd() - 6.4.43
- new parameter fixed.parameters for STRN() - 6.4.44
- Fix a bug in MovingIncubation() - 6.4.45
- Implementation of delta method for confidence interval - 6.4.46
- temperature.heterogeneity accepts a vector of two values being sd_low and sd_high - 6.4.47
- Change the suggest packages - 6.4.48
- Better management of curves and polygon in plotR() - 6.4.49
- Minor change to prevent warnings() in plotR() - 6.4.50
- Correct tsd_MHmcmc() - 6.4.51
- SE returns by tsd() was not SE but variance - 6.4.52
- New parameter mar for plot.tsd() - 6.4.52
- New function trt() - 6.4.53
- New function P_TRT() more general than trt(); trt() is removed - 6.4.54
- Confidence interval for plot.tsd() uses the hessian matrix - 6.4.54
- durations is added for P_TRT() - 6.4.55
- SD for temperatures or durations is added for P_TRT() - 6.4.55
- predict.tsd can use mcmc or hessian matrix - 6.4.55
- minor change in predict.tsd - 6.4.56
embryogrowth 6.3.1-6.3.11
- New shiny function web.tsd() - 6.3.1
- Restore web.tsd() - 6.3.2
- Minor modification of shiny application - 6.3.3
- plotR() returns R values in the unmodified scale - 6.3.4
- Modification of the scale of R graph produced by plotR() - 6.3.4
- errbar.tick does not produce warnings() in plot.tsd() - 6.3.5
- No error if show.anchors is used with plotR_hist() - 6.3.6
- Info.nest() returns also MassWeighted.temperature.mean - 6.3.7
- Solve some rare cases when info.nest()$summary returns NA - 6.3.7
- Correct description for test parameter in searchR() - 6.3.8
- Add parameter show.legend in plotR() - 6.3.9
- Correct a bug for STRN() when one of the timeseries had no known sex ratio - 6.3.10
- cex.axis in plot.tsd() and plot.NestResult() is used for x-axis - 6.3.11
embryogrowth 6.3 (2016-07-19)
- Minor update of plot.NestResult() to show TSP at the top of temperatures - 6.2.1
- Caretta caretta stages are no more defaults for plot.NestResult() - 6.2.1
- equation Hulin for tsd() is more robust - 6.2.2
- fixedparameter is used for mcmc - 6.2.2
- A matrix for SE can be used in plotR() for anchored parameters to use quantiles - 6.2.3
- New parameter x.SE to control the envelope of R - 6.2.3
- cex.axis and cex.lab works for temperature scale in plotR_hist - 6.2.4
- tsd indicates durations or temperatures correctly depending on data input - 6.2.5
- plot.tsd indicates durations or temperatures correctly - 6.2.6
- It is possible to show anchors in plotR() and plotR_hist() - 6.2.7
- New columns and information in STSR_TSD database - 6.2.8
- STRN() has been changed to be more reliable if the order of nests is changed - 6.2.8
- Bug correction in info.nests() - 6.2.9
- New option to not show observations in plot.tsd() - 6.2.9
- New parameter parallel for info.nests() and GTRN_MHmcmc() to control the use of parallel version within R (preparation for SparkR version) - 6.2.10
- batchsize option has been removed from GTRN_MHmcmc() - 6.2.10
- New example for movingincubation() - 6.2.11
- Introduction of Weibull function to fit thermal reaction norm - 6.2.11
- New parameter metabolic.heating in info.nests() - 6.2.11
- New parameter metabolic.heating in movingincubation() - 6.2.12
- range.CI parameter of predict.tsd() is replaced by quantiles - 6.2.13
- New temperature.heterogeneity parameter in info.nests() and movingincubation() - 6.2.14
- Changes in documentation - 6.2.15
- Better managment of error in SE during SearchR() - 6.2.16
- New function SEforR() to estimate SE for a set of parameters based on Fisher information matrix - 6.2.16
- Estimation of anchored model is more rapid - 6.2.16
- New parameter XlimSE for plotR and plotR is simplified - 6.2.17
- New model for anchors (polynomial fit) - 6.2.18
- New parameter hessian to return the hessian matrix in SEforR() - 6.2.18
- New model for anchors (linear fit) - 6.2.19
- Correct a bug in STRN() that prevent SE estimation - 6.2.19
- Object returns by STRN() is more complete and can be used by compare_AIC - 6.2.20
- info.nests() can use an object created by STRN() for the parameter SexualisationTRN - 6.2.20
- Call to MCMC is simplified - 6.2.21
- info.nests() use a parameter x rather than parameters - 6.2.21
- info.nests() can use both x and parameters to provide back compatibility - 6.2.22
- plotR() and plotR_hist() return a list with confidence intevals - 6.2.23
- Correct a bug in info.nests() (Thanks to Taylor R. Roberge to identifiy it) - 6.2.24
- xlimR of plotR() or plotR_hist() can be a vector of values - 6.2.24
- New example for plotR() using xlimR as a vector - 6.2.25
- shiny version has been removed as it was not maintained anymore - 6.3
embryogrowth 6.2 (2016-01-08)
embryogrowth 6.1.3-6.1.5
- plot.NestResult() and plotR_hist() can be used with layout() or mfrow() - 6.1.3
- New database stages for embryonics stages, mass and SCL. Will be expanded in next versions - 6.1.4
- Solve a problem with mcmc - 6.1.5
embryogrowth 6.1.2
- Correct a problem with info.nest when timeseries are of different length during resampling of parameters
- Correct a problem with info.nest when fill is not NULL
embryogrowth 6.1.1 (2015-10-16)
- Correct a problem occuring only with windows version
embryogrowth 6.1 (2015-10-12)
- Correction of movingincubation() to work with the new version of info.nests()
- In info.nests(), when temperatures are changed, if all NestResult$test parameters are the same and test is NULL, the test parameter is taken from NestResult$test
- metric.end.incubation in info.nests() and plot.NestsResult() is recycled if necessary
- plot.NestsResult() uses info.nests(), new parameter show.metric
- if metric.end.incubation is NA, the embryo metrics for TSP are scaled by metric of hatchlings at the end of incubation
- if metric.end.incubation is NULL, the embryo metrics for TSP are scaled by the maximum metric of mean in test parameters
- if metric.end.incubation is a value, it is used directly for scale
- New data for info.nests(): MiddleThird.MassWeighted.temperature.mean and .se
- Correct a bug for info.nests() if there is only one temperature
- Correct a bug for searchR() that prevent return a result in rare occasions
- metric and summary can be used when partial incubations are observed using metric.end.incubation=x with x being the final size
- Correct a bug for fill parameter in info.nests()
- New data for embryological stages: Emys orbicularis.mass and Emys obicularis.SCL. They are store in TSP.list
- Rename Caretta caretta embryological stages: Caretta caretta.SCL
- After plotR_hist(), the y-scale is the scale for R graph (previously it was the one for histogram)
- Only the function lsoda is imported from deSolve to prevent a warning during check
embryogrowth 6.0.1
- Change info.nests() for R 3.2 compatibility
- Minor changes in FormatNests(); test if names are unique
- Correct a bug for Hill model of TSD
- Add optimx as an option for searchR()
- The latest version can always been installed using:
repos=NULL, type="source")
- $SD is store also in mcmc objects. This SD is the SE for points estimates.
embryogrowth 6.0 (2015-04-15)
- FormatNests() can convert old format database using data=xxx with xxx being the old format database
- info.nests() is much more complete
- polynom package is now in dependencies
- New columns IndiceK in FormatNests() output to accelerate SearchR()
- predict.tsd() uses the new model for CI estimation
- plot.tsd() does not make any estimation; it just plot the object created by tsd()
- New method for confidence interval in tsd()
- If stopattest=TRUE is used in .fonctionfit() the time for end of incubation is estimated using polynomial interpolation
- Hmisc package is no more required
- new parameters SE and fixed.parameters in tsd()
- The anchored parameters can use Celcius degrees
- Many changes in .fonctionfit .STRNfit (hidden fonctions)
- searchR() is more rational for initial tests of weights and better manage parallel runs
- Add a progression bar for predict.tsd()
- MHmcmcAlgo(), minmax.periodic(), temperature.periodic() and info.sun() functions are transfered to new package: HelpersMG
- STRN() does not use replicate.CI for info.nests()
- Add parameters= for GenerateAnchor() and GRTRN_MHmcmc_p()
- The weight scheme for CTE called weigthed mean temperature during TSP can use another thermal reaction norm: the thermal reaction norm for sexualisation (STRN). The new CTE is named TSD.mean.temperature
- New CTE named TSD.weighted.mean.temperature. It includes both the thernal reaction norm for growth rate and the thermal reaction norm for sexualisation.
- New function STRN() to fit the Sexualisation thermal reaction norm
- New function STRN_MHmcmc() to model the enveloppe of the STRN
- New parameters to continue MCMC run from previous run in GRTRN_MHmcmc(), STRN_MHmcmc() and tsd_MHmcmc()
- Correct a bug to estimate the mean temperature within the TSP
- If weight is included in FormatNests, it is used in searchR()
- Correct a bug when plotR() is called without result parameter
- Correct a bug for info.nest() with SE
- Temperatures or durations can be associated with SE for predict.tsd()
- TestParallel() function display the user time of system.time()
- Package polynom is required for anchored model
- Anchored model uses now Lagrange polynoms rather than loess fitting method
- When anchored model is negative, it is fixed to 0
- New function
- minmax.periodic() can use different minimum or maximum time each day. Correct a bug for SD in minmax.periodic
embryogrowth 5.1 (2014-10-06)
- New version of STRES_TSD and help for this database is more clear
- Future changes in STRES_TSD will not be longer be reported here
- tsd() can now uses also incubation period
- Equation Hulin (from Hulin et al 2009) is implemented in tsd()
- Equation Double-Richards (from Girondot, submited) is implemented in tsd()
- Packages numDeriv and entropy are now only suggested
- New parameters lty.temperatures and lwd.temperatures for plot.NestsResult()
- Predict.tsd() without temperatures or durations uses original temperatures or durations
- New function plot.tsd()
- New possibility to use Bayesian estimate for tsd()
- Remove parallel computing for windows in MCMC
- New functions minmax.periodic() and temperature.periodic()
embryogrowth 5.0 (2014-08-15)
- New bibliographic references and first version in CRAN
- Remove parallel computing option for Windows
- Remove local update
embryogrowth 4.14
- Correct bug for Richards equation in tsd and predict.tsd() works faster
embryogrowth 4.09-4.13
- New function logLik() applied to NestsResult and tsd
- New version of STRES_TSD
- No return line from plot()
- x-axis is returned correctly after plotR_hist()
embryogrowth 4.05-4.08
- predict.tsd() is more rapid and can be used without CI
- New version of STRES_TSD
- remove dependency of many packages
- new parameter lwd and lwdCI for plotR() and plotR_hist()
embryogrowth 4.04
- Correct a warning in plotR() when Scale is used
- Correct a bug in plot.nestresult() when for special length of time series
embryogrowth 4.01-4.03
- 1000 iterations are allowed for tsd() and test if convergence is reached
- new way to define initial P value for tsd()
- new automatic xlim for tsd() function to show all TRT
- many changes in shiny code. Remove visibility of ShinyEmbryogrowth()
embryogrowth 4.00
- shiny application is included. Call it using ShinyEmbryogrowth()
embryogrowth 3.02
- mcmc results for anchored parameters use 10000 iterations
- Correct a warning when there is no variability in TSP
embryogrowth 3.01
- Possible to save intermediate results during fitting
embryogrowth 3.00
- Possibility to define R by anchor of loess fitting
embryogrowth 2.30
- New version with corrected rK value
- weight parameter is store in result of searchR() and used for mcmc
- Add the function switch.transition()
- New function merge.mcmcComposite() to merge two objects mcmcComposite
embryogrowth 2.28
- Correct a bug in movingincubation()
embryogrowth 2.27
- Correct a bug in movingincubation()
- Predict method for tsd
embryogrowth 2.26
- Add SE for weight temperature by growth during TSP and mean temperature during TSP
- Add SE for borders of TSP
- Store weighted temperature by growth during TSP for movingincubation()
embryogrowth 2.25
- Calculate mean temperature in middle-third of incubation and weight temperature by growth during TSP
embryogrowth 2.24
- New function to change from 4p to 6p parameters functions and reverse
embryogrowth 2.23
- Correct a bug for linear or exponential derivative and parallel computing
- Add mar parameter for plot.NestResults()
embryogrowth 2.22
- TRT is calculated for Hill and Richards equations in tsd() function
- Limits and their standard errors are calculated in tsd()
embryogrowth 2.21
- GSD, Hill and Richards equations are included in tsd() function
- Many improvments for tsd() function
embryogrowth 2.19-2.20
- In MovingIncubation(), a timesseries at the end of incubation can be provided to model the metabolic heating
- SE of parameters are used if replicate.CI is different from 0
embryogrowth 2.18
- Correction of bug in generateIL.df and info.nests
- generateIL.df renamed GenerateConstInc
- New parameter xlimR to show only part of R function in plotR and plotR_hist
embryogrowth 2.17
- hist.nests and hist.nestsresults return a list with the complete set of temperatures
embryogrowth 2.16
- New function generateIL.df
embryogrowth 2.15
- New parameter OutPlot for plot.NestsResult()
- Correct a bug for mean temperature of a nest
embryogrowth 2.14
- New version of uploading to ESE server after building package
- New parameter col for Entropy
- Output of tsd() takes into account that the regressor could be not the temperature
embryogrowth 2.11
- Better format for examples
embryogrowth 2.10
- New parameter for embryogrowth_MHmcmc_p() to automatically accept proposed priors
- New parameter echo for likelihoodR()
embryogrowth 2.09
- Correct a bug in mean.temperature and mean.temperature.TSP in info.nest() and plot()
- Add a parameter to plotR() to manage where to display information "mean" and "confidence interval"
embryogrowth 2.08
- Correct a bug in plotR_hist() if parameters for plotR() were used
- Add the progress parameter in info.nests
- Calculte the mean temperature during all incubation in info.nest() and plot()
embryogrowth 2.07
- Parameter weight is added in FormatNests(), searchR() and likelihoodR()
- Correct the test in SearchR() to be sure that fixed and fitted parameters are not duplicated
- New function weightmaxentropy() which searches for the relative weights for each nest to maximize entropy
- New database fitted with weight
embryogrowth 2.06
- Correct Movingincubation() to take into account the _L list return by .SSM()
- Correct plot.NestsResult() for truncated numbers
- as.par.mcmcComposite() and as.mcmc.mcmcComposite() are transfered to the package phenology.
- Loading of package does not failed if the description is not available online.
- Movingincubation() returns a dataframe with time and length of TSP
embryogrowth 2.05
- many minor changes in plot.NestsResult for better ylimS managment and to prevent an error when no SD is available
embryogrowth 2.04
- tsd() show the complete curve depending on xlim parameter
- plot.NestsResult returns a list with two objects: summary with the summary statistics for each nest and traces with the change of length or mass for each nest
embryogrowth 2.00-2.03
- Embryo growth can be modeled using two sets of equations, one for early development and one for late development
- as.mcmc() can be used with mcmcComposite objects
- library zoo is required to use na.locf()
- Add the function tsd() to fit data of temperature-dependent sex determination
- Correction of bug for and ylimH parameters in plotR() and plotR_hist()
embryogrowth 1.23
- New parameter for plot(NestsResult): ref.stage=TRUE ou FALSE
- Modeled size at the end of incubation and likelihood for each nest are returned by plot()
embryogrowth 1.22
- New function MovingIncubation() to run the model day by day on a timeseries
- summary() for Nests objects
- Add simplify=TRUE for FormatNests()
- mcmc data for 6p: result_mcmc_6p_80
- Correct scale of x axis for histogram and add legend for Y axis in plotR_hist()
- Legends are not drawn twice in plotR() with lists
- Initial point is taken into account for as.par.mcmcComposite()
embryogrowth 1.20-1.21
- Update can use install_url() from package devtools
- New function GenerateTest(series, size, previous) to generate test parameter for searchR()
- Color of embryo mass in plot can be changed using a vector of colors
embryogrowth 1.14-1.19
- Remove the use of .EGR.env environment for searchR() in 1.14 and in plot() in 1.17
- Package can load when no internet connection is available
- Add a function testParallel() to evaluate if the option parallel is interesting for the running system
- Add class mcmcComposite to result of embryogrowth_MHmcmc()
- Add BatchSE and TimeSeriesSE elements of the output of embryogrowth_MHmcmc()
- New function plotR_hist() to display both RGraph and hist of temperatures
- Rename as_mcmc() to as.mcmc2.mcmcComposite()
- New function as.par.mcmcComposite() to get parameters at maximum likelihood from mcmcComposite object
- Add a parameter force=TRUE or FALSE to force update
embryogrowth 1.11-1.13
- Rename extractMCMC() to as_mcmc()
- Correct a bias when the temperature reaches a maximum or minimum
- Allow parallel computing to be disabled
embryogrowth 1.10
- Uses parallel computing for searchR() and embryogrowth_MHmcmc()
embryogrowth 1.09
- New functions: extractMCMC() to be used with mcmcComposite objects to get an object to be use with coda package
- New functions: embryogrowthUpdate() to update package
- Package version is checked at package loading
- Add the defaults plot parameters for plotR()
- Possible to plot several growth rates using list objects
- Correct a bias when the temperatures always increase or decrease during incubation
embryogrowth 1.08
- Use mcmc methods from phenology package
embryogrowth 1.07
- Remove plotnest() and plotMHmcmc() function to keep only plot().
- If optimization is not finished after maxiter, it shows the value of fitted parameters and continues.
- Change mcmcNests class to mcmcComposite.
- plot.Nests() returns also the mean temperature within the TSP.
- The package is renamed embryogrowth
- The objects wihtin the mcmcComposite object are mcmc and mcmc.list objects
- Add a method summary of mcmcComposite object
embryogrowth 1.05
- The MHMCMC algorithm can now be used by other packages.
- hist.NestsResult uses the same script as hist.Nests
- plot gives information on the position of first and second third and Sum of Square difference between these and the position of stages 21 and 26.
embryogrowth 1.04
- Add the possibility to use fixed parameters
- Add the three new class: mcmcNests, Nests and NestsResult
- Add Bayesian MCMC script and plot of MCMC
- Many minor changes for speed improvment
- Some bug corrections
- Change T12H for 6-parameters equation to DT
- Catch the error of singularity of matrix
- Better managment of test size if the temperatures are changed
embryogrowth 1.00-1.03
- first versions as a package. New functions added sequentially.